What is The Buddha Purnima?

  It is easy to be God but difficult to be Mercury. There is no worship of Mercury, there is no worship of Mercury, there is no idol of Mercury, there is no stupa either, Mercury is neither in Hinayana nor in Mahayana, Buddha is not an incarnation, neither is God, Mercury is the only and only body which gives logical intelligence. , a body that contains the Eightfold Path and only the 4 Truths. Buddha is Mercury. It is wrong to bind him within any limits and boundaries. Buddha was a renunciant and also free. Mercury was a human being and only a human being. Mercury was an expert in the art of telling the bitter truth.

For those who have darshan, Mercury is philosophy. For those who study history, Mercury is history. For those who study Sanskrit, it is culture. For those who read literature, there is literature, for those who read religion, there is Buddhism. Mercury is also the final destination i.e. Mercury solution for the persecuted people. Despite this, Buddha is not God. True knowledge is not achieved in a month or two, for this humans have to work hard continuously year after year.

There is a Mercury in you too. There is as much Mercury as there are people. Mercury is sad as well as happy, sacrifice is also Mercury, struggle is also Mercury, Mercury makes some mistakes as well as does great work. Mercury is also education, brings change and also makes the world aware of the truth.
          Mercury was born and lived to the fullest. Showed the way to the world and died. Being a Mercury is both easy and difficult.

Having Mercury means being a down to earth person. Having Mercury means being curious. Buddha also searches. Being Mercury means having a straight, simple and honest body. The one who finds himself after going through all the ups and downs is Mercury.

A true person is remembered always and not on any particular day. A true man does not live in a temple, mosque, gurudwara, church or stupa. A true man lives in his heart. Mercury is truly in our hearts. To make Mercury God is to reject Mercury.   To reject Mercury is to reject logic. And when logic is rejected then what is the existence of the body?

Buddha and his religion will one day rule the world because it is the combination of knowledge and wisdom. He was born in our own country and Mercury was ruined by the people of our country. The whole country is suffering the consequences of this today.

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