What is home quarantine and who should do it?

What is home quarantine, and who should do it?

Nowadays, Corona Bhutanu is failing on her behalf.  To get rid of the disease in its way, the government of any country is trying to save people from this disease. For this reason, through advertising, people give life to people that after seeing this advertisement or after reading it, they should take care of themselves and their family.  Today we all have to understand what is home quarantine, and who should do it? People under the house canteen should follow the rules of a counselor or doctor.  Health Officer - According to the home care guidelines given, people under the restaurant should be present.  A well air-conditioned room should be used. The number of caregivers needs to be limited, and a person who is in good health.

There should be no visitors, and the members of the house should be in a different room  Neighbors can alert the control room to house canteen violations. A senior health department official said they were monitoring the homeowners and making sure they were following the rules. By quarantine yourself or home, keep yourself out of contact with others.  It does not mean a relationship with family or any other member of your society.

Even if you come in contact with a coronavirus or a corona suspect and you are still recovering well, doctors recommend you take selfie quarantine.  Not only this, but you also have to follow the rules given by the government.

Any person coming from abroad who has a domicile at helpline number 108 issued by the government or B state, has to register the same country on the government portal.  This would prevent him and his family from going out of the house for 14 days.

The primary purpose of staying away from domestic quarantine is to prevent people from getting infected with the coronavirus.

Even if a person is infected with the virus and has no symptoms of coronary artery disease, they must be on self-administered quarantine.  Because of this, the infection cannot affect anyone else through it.

1:-What is self-isolation?

  •  Self-isolation will prevent you from quarantine to the next stage.  This means that in this case, one must engage in one room and separate from the others.
  •  Under what circumstances should a selfie be untouched
  •  If a person has any symptoms of coronary heart disease.
  • If someone has sent a sample for the corona test and is waiting to know the result
  •  If someone brought Corona positive.

 2:-What to do if you have symptoms like Corona?

  • If someone in your family or society repeatedly sneezes with a cough or a cold, first stop them from mingling with others.
  •  Apply a handkerchief or cloth to the face while coughing or sneezing.  If you don't have a tissue, cover your face with the elbow.
  •  Wash your hands thoroughly at regular intervals with soap or sanitizer for 25 to 30 seconds.
  •  Do not touch the eyes, mouth and nose again and again.E
  •  Consult your doctor over the phone and give the necessary medication.
  •  If the patient has difficulty breathing, call the Corona Health Care number 108 issued by the government immediately.
  •  If someone has symptoms such as coronary artery disease, call the healthcare provider at 108 before going directly to any hospital.

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