What is gigantomastia disease? Know the symptoms and treatment

Helth desk- Due to the busy life of today, women often ignore many problems as minor problems, which later take the form of a serious disease. Pain in the breast, feeling of lump in the breast or sudden enlargement of the breast is also one of those problems.

Which women often ignore as a minor problem.


But these problems happening in the breast can also be a sign of a disease called Gigantomastia. In this disease, the tissues in the breast start growing. Due to which symptoms like pain and increase in size appear in the breasts.

This disease can occur at any age-

This disease can happen to women of any age. Age doesn't matter for this. A case was reported in Japan in which a 12-year-old girl was suffering from this disease. Due to this, the size of her breast increased so much in 8 months that the spine got bent.

What is Gigantomastia disease?

Gigantomastia disease is a disease in which breast tissue enlarges much more than normal. It is also called breast hypertrophy. In many cases, their body weight becomes 3 percent more. This condition is rarely seen in women.

Due to having gigantomastia-

This problem is seen in women due to the increase of prolactin or estrogen hormone in the body. It can also be a genetic disease. Apart from this, there are some other reasons due to which women become victims of this disease like-

* The risk of this disease increases during pregnancy.

* With the use of certain drugs (D-Penicillamine, Bucillamine, Neothetazone, Cyclosporine).

* Autoimmune diseases such as thyroid, arthritis, myasthenia gravis and psoriasis.

* Apart from this, some girls are more prone to it during the first menstruation because many hormonal changes occur in the body during that time.

Symptoms of Gigantomastia-

* Due to the increase in the tissues, the size of the breasts also gradually increases.

* Pain in breasts.

* Pain in shoulders, back and neck.

* Redness, itching and warmth under the breasts.

* Nerve pain and infection.

* Bad posture.

* Infection or abscess in the breasts.

* Tingling in the nipple.

How to rescue-

* First of all, if there is any problem in the breast, get the doctor checked immediately. So that the disease can be detected in time and its treatment can be done at the right time.

* Massage the breast with olive oil twice a week. With this, the blood circulation will be done properly, so that you will be saved from diseases related to breasts.

* By eating green leafy vegetables, the body gets protein and vitamins. Therefore, by consuming them in the daily routine, breast cells develop. By which you are saved from breast problems.

* Always be active and do exercise and yoga daily. It also keeps away the problems related to breast.

* Stay away from unhealthy things like alcohol, smoking, junk food and cold drinks.

* Pregnant and lactating women should use maternity bra.

* Breast skin is sensitive, applying sunscreen lotion here reduces the risk of diseases like cancer.

What is the treatment?

1. The doctor decides what treatment the woman needs only after seeing the growth of tissues and other symptoms in the breast. If the size of the breast has increased, then doctors recommend surgery.

Apart from this, this disease is also treated with medication. Apart from this, in some cases this disease is also treated with hormone treatment.

2. If there is a problem at a young age, doctors treat it through medicines or medication. At the same time, the increased breast size during pregnancy can be reduced with the help of medicines.

Note- If there is any kind of problem in the breast, it is necessary to seek medical advice because small-looking problems can become fatal by becoming big. If you like this information then please like, share. Thank you.

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