What is fiber?


What is fiber?

 Fiber is a carbohydrate found in produce and grains. And it could hardly be healthier.

      This essential nutrient contributes to health and wellness in many ways. Fiber protects against heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, colon cancer and diverticulitis.

It comes in two types

Soluble fiber- This type dissolve in water.

Insoluble fiber- This type doesn't dissolve in water.

Benefits of eating fiber

 Getting the right nutrient- in the right amount - can make you feel your best. Adding more fiber to your diet can:


Help You 'go'

A key sign your diet is low fiber? Constipation. Boosting your fiber intake will help keep you regular. Just be sure to add it gradually 'so' your digestive system has time to adjust.

      Adding too much fiber too fast can cause diarrhea.


Aid in weight loss

 Eating more fiber help you feel full longer. That means a fiber-packed breakfast-think oatmeal, whole- grain cereal or fresh fruit- may keep you full until lunchtime, so you snack less.

Control blood sugar

 Fiber shows your body's absorption of sugar. This helps keep blood sugar levels within a healthy range, which can lower your risk of developing diabetes.

Lower Cholesterol

 Watching your cholesterol levels? Fiber can help with that, too. Cholesterol binds to fiber and moves thorough your digestive system, where it leaves the body instead of entering your bloodstream.


How to get more fiber

 And there's even better news: Increasing your fiber doesn't mean eating hay. With a few small adjustments, you can up your intake and still enjoy your meals. Some easy ways to get more fiber.


Plan Your Morning Meal

 Choose a high-fiber option like bran flakes or oatmeal for the first meal of the day. Looking for something heartier? Try scrambled eggs with spinach and a piece of fruit.

Stick to whole grains

 Although frozen meals and processed options may be quick and easy, they often fall show short on essential nutrient, like fiber.

      Replacing canned or package foods or desserts with fresh, homemade options lets you raise your fiber quote.


Snake smart 

 When a hunger pang hits, it may be tempting to hit the kitchen for a treat. Instead of reaching for the junk food, consider noshing on these fiber-filled snacks.


Dried or fresh fruit

Raw veggies



Add a fiber supplement

 Having trouble getting enough fiber in your diet? A fiber supplement can help. 

      You can find them at most stores and online. They're available in a variety of forms, like:




Chewable tablets

Pick more produce

 Fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables are a good source of fiber, so add them to meals and snacks throughout the day. Not sure where to start? Consider adding these high-fiber accompaniments to your plate:

Leafy greens like spinach or kale






Load up on legumes

Legumes are the unsung heroes that can add more fiber to any meal. Dress up a soup or salad with peas, beans or lentils.

Switch to whole grains 

 Swap out processed white bread with whole-grain bread. Looking for labels that list whole wheat flour or whole grain as the first ingredient. 

     And check that they have at least 2 grams of dietary fiber per serving. Side dishes of brown rice, quinoa or whole wheat pasta are another great fiber boost.


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