What causes yellow urine? Know the top 5 ways to remove yellowness

Helth desk- Sometimes, the color of our urine turns dark yellow. Sometimes the color of urine changes due to medical conditions and many habits. You should know what causes yellow urine.

yellow urine


The color of urine is determined by the level of hydration in the body. If you are sufficiently hydrated, your urine is clear, but the color of urine becomes yellow in some cases.

The darker the color of the urine, the higher the risk of health problems. Due to many circumstances, the color of urine becomes yellow. Urobilin, a urochrome pigment, is responsible for the color of urine.

If you see the color of your urine is dark yellow, consult a doctor. Let us know what the reason for yellow urine is.


What causes urine to turn yellow?

It is essential to know the reason for yellow urine because ignoring it can lead to many problems. For example, frequent yellowing of urine can be a sign of stones in the urinary tract.

People often ignore the initial stage, but when the unbearable pain starts below the waist, the disease is detected.

Drinking less water leads to the formation of stones in the urethra. Rocks are made up of three things calcium, phosphate, and magnesium.

Urinary stones are easily removed with the medicine initially, but after the delay, its side effects start happening. In case of delay, surgery has to be done. Always consult a doctor if you have stones. A high protein diet increases the chances of rocks.


Those who eat more greens, tomatoes, cabbage, brinjal have also started complaining of stones. Although the mineral elements should be dissolved in the body, it does not dissolve in the body of many people, and it becomes a stone.

This can lead to many problems such as tumors, urinary tract bleeding, etc.


Treatment of Yellow Urine-

1 . Drink apple cider vinegar- Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial and antifungal properties that make it a healthy drink. It helps in maintaining the pH balance of the body as it contains natural minerals.

2 . Irrigate with warm water- Irritating with warm water provides relief to nerves and muscles. It reduces the pain and prevents the problem of frequent urination. It also reduces the yellowing of urine.

3 . Eat curd- Yogurt contains good bacteria, which helps in keeping the bladder healthy. It enables the bladder and kidney to function correctly. Consume curd regularly. Do not eat flavored curd.


4 . Eat Amla- To stay healthy and fit, consume Amla. It contains vitamin C; barley reduces bladder infection. Take some amla juice and add honey to it. Consume this mixture with bananas every day.

5 . Do not stop drinking water- Many people think that reducing water intake or fluid intake will reduce the problem of frequent urination. But that is not true. Drink small cups and small amounts of water but drink throughout the day.

However, do not drink water before sleeping.

6 . Food and drink- The color of urine you eat and drink also affects the color of your urine. Especially, eating outside things, consuming junk foods, artificial colors present in canned foods, etc., make urine yellow or dark.

If you lose weight or take any other supplements, then urine color can also be from light to dark yellow. If you include more specific vitamins like Vitamin B, C, B-12, etc., urine color becomes yellow even then.

Eat berries, tomatoes, beets, sweet potatoes, broccoli, etc., in limited quantities.


General information is given in this article, including advice. It is by no means a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Consult specialist doctors for more details

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