Top 9 Indian way to boost immunity for COVID 19

Immunity is the human body's internal army that fights with the infections of viruses and bacteria. If this army becomes weak, external infections defeat our body very easily and we die. When someone dies it's body decomposes by virus and bacteria since it has no life and immunity to fight with these infections. So to keep our body healthy and alive our protective immunity army must be strong enough. It is highly affected by our lifestyle. When animals get injured or get infected, they cure themselves by their immunity. Here are some ways to improve immunity by this you can protect yourself without any medicine

1) Take Giloy Regularly - Giloy has enormous health benefits but talking about the most important thing, it has the property to enhance the immunity of the body. It increases the platelets in the blood and enables to fight against the disease. That is why it is also called Amrita (which means immortal). It is found in both liquid and tablets from the market. Regularly taking giloy boosts the immunity in this way none infection can harm either it is coronavirus or any other infection.

2) consume Ashwagandha -Studies have shown and from the ancient time ashwagandha has been used as a health tonic. It increases the white blood cells in the blood. It also contains antioxidants. Not only for immunity but also for overall body health, it is beneficial. Ashwagandha restores the immunity of any age group people who get sick very soon. It can be consumed by anyone either he is healthy or  unhealthy

3) Adopt Shilajit in your Diet-  It contains fulvic acid and more than 84 minerals. It functions as an antioxidant with improving immunity. Shilajit is available in capsule and semi-liquid form both in the market.It can be taken in milk or lukewarm water

4) Involve Turmeric in your diet- Turmeric has antibiotic and antinflametry property too. Mix turmeric powder in milk and take every day. It will naturally enable your body against infections.

5) Eat fresh fruits and vegetables-  seasonal fruits and vegetables are the gifts of nature. It contains essential nutrients that enhance the immunity power of the body.

6) Avoid Processed foods- our modern lifestyle has become such that we generally eat pizza, burger, chowmin, packet food which has been processed by chemical and we drink different kinds of cold drinks, alcoholic beverages which slowly damage our body and immune system so replace these processed foods with freshly cooked or uncooked food.

7)  Add yoga and  Exercise in your daily routine- Yoga like bhatrika , kapal bharti, Anulom vilom help to improve immunity. You can take more details on yog Guru Ramdev's or other channels on YouTube to learn more about yoga and Exercise which helps for immunity.

8) Avoid Smoking and Drinking- Smoking and drinking alcoholic drinks slowly damage the capacity of your internal organs. In order to enhance the immunity, it is necessary to avoid above mentioned things.

9 ) Take proper Sleep-  In today's life people do not have time to take sleep properly. It is important for our body to recover by sleeping. It rejuvenates your body.


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