Top 10 most dangerous animals in the world

In the course of evolution, Mother Nature created many creatures. Some are cute and trustworthy, some small and unobtrusive. We have collected the 10 most dangerous animals in the world.

Top 10: Poison Dart Frog

Only 5 cm long and usually very colorful poison dart frog does not produce poison itself but absorbs the poison by eating the poisonous prey, collecting it in the body, and passing it through the skin. These are so-called convulsive poisons that can be fatal to humans.


Top 9: Leopard

Up to 1.90 m tall and up to 90 kg in the wild would not want to encounter a heavy leopard. Leopards can reach speeds of up to 60 km / h and have well-trained senses. Fortunately, leopards avoid humans. But sometimes it happens that leopards also kill and eat people.


Top 8: Hippos

Hippos are actually herbivores and look pretty calm and serene. However, they defend their territory and their origin to the blood. Animals weighing up to 4.5 tons can sink entire boats.


Top 7: Red spider

This hazardous species of spiders live in Australia. But only women are dangerous. Bites are often unnoticed, but later abdominal pain is almost unbearable. Poison can also cause respiratory paralysis and lead to death. In Australia, several thousand people are bitten by red-backed spiders every year. Oddly enough, mostly in the male organs, the animal prefers to unfold the tentacles in the external toilets.


Top 6: Crocodile

The crocodile, also known as the armored lizard because of its bony shell, hunts without reservation any type of prey that can be huge in size. Hunting crocodiles jump out of the water, attack their prey and drag them underwater to drown


Top 5: Great white sharks

The great white shark, up to 8 meters long, is the largest predator in the world. Although people are not involved in real prey, they often mislead surfers and swimmers from below as prey and drill their sharp shaving teeth at them. Top 4: Sea wasp

Sea wasps are cubic jellyfish. Sea wasps are attracted by as many as 60 nets behind them, each about 3 meters long. When touched, they burn the skin, releasing toxins that are fatal in a short time. However, an antidote has been known for several years that can save lives if used promptly. So leave only 4 places for sea wasps.


Top 3: Portuguese Galli

Portuguese cuisine belongs to the tribe of sea bubbles, a tribe of jellyfish-like creatures. It occurs mainly in the Pacific Ocean and attracts a net up to 50 meters long behind it. If you touch them, they secrete a neurotoxin, which stimulates the nerve cells too much and eventually stops breathing and heart failure.


Top 2: Taipei Inland Waters

The inner birthplace of Taipan is Australia, and it is considered the most venomous snake in the world. When bitten, it injects 40 to 110 milligrams of the deadly neurotoxin into the prey. an amount that would theoretically be sufficient to kill more than 200 adults


Top 1: Anopheles mosquitoes

The most dangerous animal on our list is also the smallest: the main carrier of the malaria pathogen is the Anopheles mosquito. According to the WHO, in 2008 alone, There were about 247 million malaria cases, of which about 1 million were fatal. In Africa, a child dies from malaria every 45 seconds.

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I am a student of High scool