Tips to manage dry or wet cough for covid-19 recovering patients.

The common symptoms of COVID-19 are cough, fever, and tiredness; less common symptoms are sore throat, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell, aches and pains.

People with mild symptoms who are or else healthy should deal with their symptoms at home and manage them in proper ways.

 An ideal rehab programme should incorporates a good range of exercises like

  •  Thoracic expansion exercises
  •  Diaphragmatic breathing
  •  Pursed lip breathing
  •  Tips to manage dry and productive cough
  •  Positioning for correct lung ventilation and 
  •  Use of an incentive spirometer 

A dry cough:
A dry cough is expected to put greater strain on your throat.

To ease the throat drink warm water with lemon and honey, or a drink like the kadha.

Rather than taking a large sips, take small sips of fluids to make easy swallowing.

Steam inhalation is essential to cure a dry cough.

Stay hydrated Luke warm water and herbal teas.

For productive cough/Wet cough:
Lie on either the left or the other side instead of lying on your back. This might help drain the phlegm faster.

 Movement makes the lungs function, and it also can move the phlegm to facilitate your spitting it out. So, attempt to be mobile by walking around your room.

Take steam inhalation a day to loosen the phlegm congested in your lungs.

Phlegmatic or productive cough can become difficult to manage since you have got to spit out the phlegm-filled sputum regularly. It’s also important to notice that infections especially.


People who are managing their mild symptoms at home and also those who are discharged from hospital (post covid)


Maintaining a healthy diet: 

Recovering corona virus patients must have protein rich home cooked food for boosting immunity. The damaged that happened to the body while the infection lasted like damage to body tissue and muscle loss and weakness must be repaired by improving protein-rich diet.

Include calorie-dense foods in your diet but make sure they’re healthy carbs as to fight off the infection you need more calories means more energy. Include 6 or 7 servings of nuts in your diet along with fresh seasonal fruits and veggies in your diet.

 Most important exercises are:

1.  Diaphragmatic Breathing Technique: Start with placing one hand on your upper chest and the other just below your rib cage. This will allow you to feel your diaphragm move as you breathe in and out. Breathe in slowly through your nose so that your abdomen moves out against your hand and expand as shown in below given image. The hand on your chest should remain as still as possible and exhale slowly through pursed lip (as if blowing off candle slowly).

2. Pursed lip breathing:  This technique is to sit comfortably on a chair with relaxed shoulders, take in a deep breath from the nose and hold it and then exhale slowly via the mouth with pursed lips. This will create a small positive pressure preventing the collapse of the airway.

3. Thoracic expansion exercises: Inhaling a deep breath from the nose while taking the hands outwards and upward than bringing back the hands down while blowing the air out from the mouth. This exercise helps in promoting the expansion of the thorax and in due course creates more space for the air to enter.

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