How to wash your face properly

Ready to learn the best technique for keeping your face bright, healthy, and fresh? Washing your face every day is an easy way to scrub away dirt and grime, and using the right products and techniques ensures your skin won’t get dry or break out. Whether your skin is acne-prone, dry and delicate, or anywhere in between, we'll teach you how to cleanse correctly for beautiful, glowing skin. Wash your face twice a day with lukewarm water and a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser. Rinse your skin and pat it dry with a towel.

Pick products that are right for your skin type. You might have dry skin, oily skin, sensitive skin, aging skin, or combination skin.

Always moisturize after washing your face. Exfoliate once a week to remove dead skin cells and oil buildup.

Wear sunscreen every day to protect your skin from UV rays

No matter what skin type you have, for daily cleansing, pick a face wash that’s fragrance- and alcohol-free. Using cleansers that are too harsh can strip your skin of its natural oils, leading to breakouts and dry skin.[1] First, figure out what skin type you have, then check out our cleanser recommendations below:

For oily or acne-prone skin: Oil-free cleanser (that won’t clog pores)[2]

For dry skin: Hydrating cleanser (to moisturize while you wash)

For combination or normal skin: Gentle foaming cleanser (to cleanse dirt and grime gently)

For sensitive skin: Fragrance-free cleanser (to avoid irritating skin)

For aging skin: Gentle cleanser to cleanse dirt and grime without deface cleansers are meant to cleanse your skin, not remove makeup. If you like to wear makeup during the day, use a gentle makeup remover on a cotton pad to take everything off before washing your face.


Face cleansers are meant to cleanse your skin, not remove makeup. If you like to wear makeup during the day, use a gentle makeup remover on a cotton pad to take everything off before washing your face.[3]

If you have acne-prone or oily skin, go for a water-based makeup remover (instead of an oil-based one) to avoid clogged pores.

Hot water strips your skin of its natural oils, and cold water doesn’t remove dirt and grime effectively. Turn your tap to a temperature that’s just above room temp, then splash your face with water.[4]

If you have long hair, pull it back into a bun or ponytail before you start washing your face. This will make it much easier to cleanse your skin.



Ready to learn the best technique for keeping your face bright, healthy, and fresh? Washing your face every day is an easy way to scrub away dirt and grime, and using the right products and techniques ensures your skin won’t get dry or break out. Whether your skin is acne-prone, dry and delicate, or anywhere in between, we'll teach you how to cleanse correctly for beautiful, glowing skin.


Things You Should Know

Wash your face twice a day with lukewarm water and a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser. Rinse your skin and pat it dry with a towel.

Pick products that are right for your skin type. You might have dry skin, oily skin, sensitive skin, aging skin, or combination skin.

Always moisturize after washing your face. Exfoliate once a week to remove dead skin cells and oil buildup.

Wear sunscreen every day to protect your skin from UV rays.

Use a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser.

Image titled Wash Your Face Step 1

A mild cleanser cleans skin gently without irritation. No matter what skin type you have, for daily cleansing, pick a face wash that’s fragrance- and alcohol-free. Using cleansers that are too harsh can strip your skin of its natural oils, leading to breakouts and dry skin.[1] First, figure out what skin type you have, then check out our cleanser recommendations below:

For oily or acne-prone skin: Oil-free cleanser (that won’t clog pores)[2]

For dry skin: Hydrating cleanser (to moisturize while you wash)

For combination or normal skin: Gentle foaming cleanser (to cleanse dirt and grime gently)

For sensitive skin: Fragrance-free cleanser (to avoid irritating skin)

For aging skin: Gentle cleanser (to cleanse dirt and grime without drying)


Remove all your makeup first.

Image titled Wash Your Face Step 2

Take off your makeup to avoid clogged pores. Face cleansers are meant to cleanse your skin, not remove makeup. If you like to wear makeup during the day, use a gentle makeup remover on a cotton pad to take everything off before washing your face.[3]

If you have acne-prone or oily skin, go for a water-based makeup remover (instead of an oil-based one) to avoid clogged pores.

Wet your skin with lukewarm water.

Image titled Wash Your Face Step 3

Use lukewarm water to gently wet your skin. Hot water strips your skin of its natural oils, and cold water doesn’t remove dirt and grime effectively. Turn your tap to a temperature that’s just above room temp, then splash your face with water.[4]

If you have long hair, pull it back into a bun or ponytail before you start washing your face. This will make it much easier to cleanse your skin.


Rub cleanser onto your skin with your fingers.

Image titled Wash Your Face Step 4

Gently apply face wash to your skin in a circular motion. Pour a coin-sized amount of cleanser onto your hands, then rub your palms together to lather it up. Rub the cleanser all over your face, including your cheeks, nose, forehead, chin, and jawline for about 10 seconds.[5]

Using a washcloth or a cleansing device to wash your face might sound like a good idea, but actually, they can be too harsh on your skin. For daily cleansing, just use your hands.

Don’t use cleanser around your eyes. The skin there is so delicate that it rarely needs cleansing—just splashing the area with water will do.

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