How to study at home in lockdown?

Studying and learning are not about reading books and scoring marks. My Chemistry teacher used to say, "Study is the pinnacle of love—the love of seeker for knowledge!". Those who knew him might have some time digesting this fact!! Here are few tips which will help you:


● Teach someone else: This is probably the best way I have found to learn. Teach someone fictional in your mind, probably a friend or so after you have completed your topic. It will give you a good grasp of the concepts. It will also get to know that which case of a particular chapter you have missed. It will act as a revision session for you.


● Have a perfect sleep: Your body and brain functions better when it is fresh and rejuvenated. Good sleep will ensure that your mental and physical mechanisms are working well enough. At least take 7 to 8 hours of sleep. It's essential to keep your brain healthy. 


● Know your syllabus inside out: It is necessary to know what you are studying. You must know what books you have to choose and put them according to the syllabus. You can ask your teachers they will help you. 


● Know the right books to read: Everything on the Internet is accurate, and similarly, everything in the book may be false as well. It is necessary to choose good books which help in the learning process.


● Sincerity and not hard work is the key to success: Indeed, you need to study to be an A-grader. But it is not the number of hours you put in that counts, but what you learn does. Be sincere. Study little, but regularly.


● Discover your learning method: For some reason, I often found that each person knows more efficiently if they follow some procedures applicable to them only. For example, I learn more effectively when I write, so I often make notes multiple times. Make mnemonics also. It will help with exams.


● Remain confident: Zig Ziglar once said, "People say motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing; that's why we recommend it daily." Motivation is a frequent requirement. I read somewhere an exciting way to motivate yourself: the next time you see a motivational quote/image of the Internet, save it. Once a day, look at these photos or pictures—you can even make wallpapers of them!! Many sites are dedicated to this purpose.


● Be honest to yourself: You didn't study today. You will probably go on saying, "I'll cover up tomorrow…" Would you?? You know yourself better than anyone else, and you can effectively predict your moves. Be honest to yourself. It might be difficult but advisable.


● Relax: Don't over-exert yourself. Take breaks, short ones. It is necessary to take a rest.


● Plan well: Making a good strategy is equally important. What problems to do? Which subject to study at which time? What about tomorrow??


■ And most importantly, know why you are looking?? How can that stuff you noted down in a book can change this world for good?? Hopefully, that was helpful!!



Swaraj Sanjay 

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