How robotics and automation technology can help us in covid -19 situation?

There is no doubt that robotics and automation technology will play a vital role in economic activities in the near future, so it is better for us to adopt this technology. Robotics will help us a lot to maintain economic activities in this pandemic situation and after covid 19 situations.

Robotics and automation technology can be used in many ways in industrial sectors:

1) Food packaging 

2) Spot welding

3) Material handling

4) Automotive assembly

5) Machine tending

6) Steel bridge manufacturing

7) Steel cutting

8) Glass handling

9) Foundry and forging application

10) Pick and place operations

11) Loading and unloading

12) Assembly and sub-assembly

13) Nuclear material handling

Robotics arm can be used in automobile industries for assembling car parts; the CNC machine can help us a lot in the manufacturing process. Line follower robot can transfer materials from one place to another in the factory. Hygiene is now an important issue in factories. Robots can be used to monitor the body temperature of workers and delivering hand sanitizer to the workers. Autonomous robotic cars can be used to deliver products. Sales of industrial robots have risen to record levels, and they have huge, untapped potential for domestic chores like mowing the lawn and vacuuming the carpet. In the wake of the recent covid 19 situations, robots are increasingly used in postal sorting applications. Indeed, there is huge potential to mechanize the postal service.

Look around at the robots around us today: automated gas pumps, bank ATMs, self-service checkout lanes  - machines that are already replacing many service jobs.

Industrial robots already at work:

The number of robots in the world today is approaching 1,000,000, with almost half that number in Japan and just 15% in the US. A couple of decades ago, 90% of robots were used in car manufacturing, typically on assembly lines doing a variety of repetitive tasks. Today only 50% are in automobile plants, with are other half spread out among other factories, laboratories, warehouses, energy plants, hospitals, and many other industries.

Robots are used for assembling products, handling dangerous materials, spray-painting, cutting and polishing, an inspection of products. The number of robots used in tasks as diverse as cleaning sewers, detecting bombs, and performing intricate surgery is increasing steadily and will continue to grow in the coming years. Agriculture drones can be used to spray fertilizers and pesticides to the crops. An autonomous robotic cutting car can be used to collect crops. Artificial intelligence-powered machines can make pizza, burgers, etc. Delivery robots can be used to deliver food to customers. Robots can also be used in hospitals; robots can help medical staff; they can be used to clean operation theater and medical instruments. Social robots can be used in education as tutors or peer learners. They have been shown to be effective at cognitive and affective outcomes and have achieved outcomes similar to those of human tutoring on restricted tasks.


Robotics and automation technology will help us in maintaining social distancing strictly; in addition, they can also help us in many ways:

1) Provides high positional accuracy

2) Simple operation

3) Easy to program offline

4) Highly customizable

5) Can handle heavy loads

6) Less cost

It will create many job opportunities, as many robotics companies will be established, and they will require skilled professional staff to make robots, program them, and maintenance.

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About Author

I am an undergraduate student in department of chemical engineering in Bangladesh university of engineering and technology.