Corona is it a disease or biological war?

  1. Coronavirus, which is also termed as Covid-19, is just considered a disease that came from China, but that's not true. An idiot will think that it is a genetic disease as just came in china from nowhere. When the Chinese controlled, this America is the next target, yes, you are guessing right. This is the war of big economic powers to dominate in the world financial market, and when china is suffered, their economy goes down. All of their companies are shut down, and they lost their share prices, but when America suffered, China bought all the companies in the meager amount and got a 50% benefit. Their loss was 10-15%  that must not be coincident; there is something that we do not know, but never mind they do not give a shit about people who are suffering from this. This is only a blink of what countries had to destroy humanity. The picture will be released soon, and our next generations will suffer, and the world economic powers will only have the plan to dominate and destroy the opponent and be the first and the best superpower.
  2. There is another aspect of this that this might be the attack of Israel to the world to make ensure that all the countries are so economically depressed. That they got no chance then accepting them as an independent nation, I m saying this because that how this is possible that the whole world is suffering from this epidemic. Still, Israel is just dodging it so well that there is not a single case reported from Israel.
  3. So far from corona, where more than 205 countries are suffering from this epidemic, more than 60 thousand people died with this epidemic, and this amount is accurate or not God knows, but it is higher not the less.
  4. Apart from criticizing, there is the biggest lockdown in the world know, and it will be sure that the day is not far if it lasts that there will be food but only for the elite class of people and people will kill over a piece of bread and world will become the hell. And you know what we are all will be the demons and devils of this world, but may God bless all of us, and we get rid of this epidemic very soon.
  5. As it is spread so we should see whether our relatives or our neighbors have something to eat or not whether we are doing our job as a citizen of any country or not if we are not then there is no reason for our existence in this world as job, money, children and then die is not a life. Life is something to do for others selflessly and don't care about what others are doing, and believe me; this will give the satisfaction that you have never felt we just have to make sure that we have done all things that we can do. May God let us get rid of this biological virus.


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Ashraf Begum - Apr 9, 2020, 6:39 AM - Add Reply

good one as far as this is your personal point of view.

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Ittrat nissar - Apr 9, 2020, 6:56 AM - Add Reply

Good work

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