Covid-19 and God

God is vast when it comes to forgiveness, but have you ever posed a thought, why would such a loving God torture his creation? Today we shall discuss why what we think from our perspective is wrong and that God does not want any harm to his creation keeping in mind the crisis of covid -19, which the world is facing today.

Extremism has always existed on the earth since the beginning of humanity.

Learning attributes of God is not very easy, and forgiveness from God is different from the mercy of human beings. For example, a human may pardon another human nature for his actions against him. Still, God forgives his people for actions against themselves that are the corruption of the soul/misguidance. It requires power, and God is exalted in power. But that does not mean that God can do everything. Quran poses a question " o prophet have you seen the condition of a person who has made his vain desire as his lord?" Quran in various places says that God cannot forgive shirk that is an association of partners that means our soul has a capability of manifest Tawheed and shirk and shirk cannot be forgiven by God. He has set out a way for his creation to attain guidance through the path laid by him. 

This means there is something wrong that we did in our view of God over here, which has caused terrorism in this world on the name of God. God is God of mercy, not the God of wrath. 

the bible says, "wisdom starts from the fear of God." 

God created us, yes, but that does not mean everything is in the hands of God. the technology, the development of the world, is in our hands, and God wants us to develop ourselves, bring change to this world and find a cure for diseases and illnesses. Exert great brain powers on technology and advancements in infrastructure and food industry. So everyone can develop, live a comfortable lifestyle, and prosper. Build a world where everyone lives in harmony and peace where there is no place for war, and groups such as ISIS does not exist. This would not come from God, but this would only come, people, hard work. So do not blame God for covid-19 but blame yourself for not finding the cure.

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