A Brief Introduction to Corona virus 19

Coronaviruses (CoV)  are a family of viruses that cause sickness like the common cold as well as most severe diseases such as Middle-east respiratory diseases and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. A novel coronavirus (nCov) is a new strain - one that has previously not been recognized in humans. Coronaviruses cause diseases in mammals and birds. A zoonotic virus is one that is transmitted between animals and people. It is speculated that the 2019 coronavirus of covid-19, originated in bats and was transferred to humans possibly by pangolins as intermediate hosts. Unfortunately, covid-19 is spreading from human to human as well. The incubation period is about 2-14 days i.e., if you do have symptoms, they could appear during this period after exposure to the virus. The symptoms are most likely to be similar to a regular cold, the flu or seasonal allergies like a:

>. Fever

>. Fatigue

>. Sore throat

>. Runny Nose

>. Coughing and shortness of breath (most common)


The older you are, the more likely you are to experience the severe forms of these symptoms. Some cases have gastrointestinal symptoms as well, such as diarrhea. In most extreme cases, people with underlying health conditions like heart diseases, diabetes, and cancer can develop pneumonia, frequent or high fever, cough, and signs of respiratory distress like shortness of breath and chest pain. Confusion, extreme fatigue, persistent pain, or other symptoms require immediate medical attention. The result could mean shock or organ dysfunction or heart failure.

The disease is mainly thought to spread from person to person through respiratory droplets produced when a person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can spread to the mouth, nose, and hands of the people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled in the lungs. Take steps to lower the risk of getting infected. Here are some things you should do:

>. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. You can also use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

>. Take extra measures to put distance between yourself and others

>. Avoid close contact with people who are sick

>. Stay at home if you are sick except to get medical care

>. Cover coughs or sneezes with tissue or inside of your elbow

>. Only wear a mask if you are ill or around the people you need to take care of someone who is sick

>. Avoid sharing personal items such as cellphones etc

>. Clean and disinfect frequently used surfaces

>. Avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes

>. Avoid contact with animals

>. Thoroughly cook the meat and eggs before consumption

>. Respiratory viruses are typically transmitted via droplets in sneezes or coughs of those who are infected, so preventing there travel stops the spread of disease.

The vast majority of patients with the coronavirus 2019 recover successfully without needing any medical attention or hospitalization. The WHO estimates that nearly 80% of patients have mild cases of illness. In these cases, hospitalization is unnecessary, and the virus more likely feels like a common cold than a deadly disease. Even in more severe coronavirus infections, most cases are not fatal. Officials are still working to determine the actual mortality rate. Current data suggests it could be around 3%.

But many experts stress that the data os is still incomplete. The actual mortality rate could be under 1% Although there are no specific treatments for coronaviruses, symptoms can be treated through supportive care. Get lots of rest. Make sure to drink lots of fluid to get hydrated all the time. Pain killer and cough medications can help to relieve symptoms but don't take antibiotics; the won't help. It is still unclear whether existing antiviral drugs could be useful or not; scientists are trying to figure that out. Also, vaccines are currently in development.

So let's say you've recovered. Does that mean you are immune from getting a new coronavirus again? Unfortunately, that might not be the case. There have been isolated cases of patients testing positive after seeming to recover. But how should we interpret those results? Doctors say it could mean one of several things. The coronavirus might lie dormant before in patients before causing symptoms again, OR testing irregularities might have just made it seem like the virus was gone when it wasn't. 

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